Originally published on February 23, 2022 by Michael Burgi on Digiday.
Omnicom Media Group’s Annalect unit and Affinity Solutions have struck a partnership that lets the data and analytics unit managing Omnicom’s Omni operating and orchestration system/platform access Affinity’s massive warehouse of data solutions fueled by credit- and debit-card usage information.
The multiyear exclusive agreement essentially enables Omni to mainline data solutions from Affinity’s Panorama platform — which houses and analyzes near-real time credit- and debit card purchase information from about 90 million consumers through 3,000 banks — directly into its platform in a bid to more effectively measure outcomes for Omnicom clients. Annalect essentially manages and operates Omni’s operating system, which includes a database of 250 million consumers.
To read more about this new partnership click HERE.