#WorldEmojiDay took place last Saturday and the upcoming emoji updates were all the rage. Check out the new icons being launched in September. With gender-neutral versions of almost every emoji, a pregnant man and a range of skin tones for all hand gestures (including handshakes!), gender and race representation will be greatly improved. Facebook Messenger has also announced the launch of its new ‘Soundmojis‘, which are emojis that play a short audio clip, providing another interactive element to message threads.
- FB tempts content creators ? Over $1 billion will be given to various creators by the end of 2022. The aim is to «reward creators for great content they create on Facebook and Instagram.»
- 3D Bitmoji avatars on Snapchat ? Snapchat is delving further into digital fashion with new 3D Bitmoji avatars. The characters will include over 1,200 different facial expressions and poses.
- A new way to train at home ?️ Labster is an online learning tool that is dedicated to activating advanced lab simulations for students, including gamified 3D universes, storytelling, and scoring systems.
- TikTok has become the first non-Facebook mobile app to surpass 3 billion downloads globally, according to analysis from Sensor Tower.
- It’s time to express yourself. 88% of global emoji users are more likely to feel empathetic towards someone if they use an emoji.
- Did you know that the average inbox contains 200 emails? Email is key in digital marketing, providing a direct connection between a brand and its target audience.
- Time to Netflix and chill? Netflix expects to sign up 3.5 million new customers in the months leading to the end of September.